Definition of environmental pollution is the inclusion of the organism, energy substances, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes so that environmental quality decreases to a certain level cause the environment to be less or cease to function as intended. Pollution may arise as a result of human activities or due to natural (eg volcanic eruption, toxic gases).

Environmental science usually discuss pollution caused by human activities, which can be prevented and controlled. Due to human activities, environmental pollution  inevitable. Environmental pollution can not be avoided. What you can do is to reduce pollution, pollution control, and increasing public awareness and concern for the environment so as not to contaminate lingkngan. Substances or materials that could cause pollution called pollutants. The terms of a substance called a pollutant if its existence could cause harm to a living creature. For example, the carbon dioxide content of 0.033% in air beneficial for the plant, but if it is higher than 0.033% can give damaging effects.
A substance can be called a pollutant if:
  1. Excess of the normal.
  2. Being on time is not right.
  3. Being in the wrong place.
The characteristic of pollutants are:
  1. Damaging for a while, but when it reacts with another substance does not damage the environment.
  2. Damaging in a long time. For example, Pb does not damage when low concentrations. However, in the long term, Pb can accumulate in the body to damaging levels.
Pollution on the environment, it can be divided into
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